Where to Find Help
When we feel desperate and anxious, it’s tempting to start surfing the Net, hoping for reassurance and reliable information and resources. Don’t do it. It will most likely lead to more anxiety (at best), and harmful information at worst. There are self-proclaimed experts in any field, and postpartum depression is no different. Unless you are being sent to a site from a trusted healthcare professional, don’t go looking.
Here are a few resources for those suffering from PPD that you can count on:
Postpartum Support International (PSI) http://www.postpartum.net This site focuses on postpartum mental health and social support.
http://www.mededppd.org This site provides professional education as well as information for women with postpartum depression.
PPDGone! A free app that provides short articles, videos, and links to get professional support.
Http://www.PPDTreatment.com PPDTreatment is the only site where the therapists listed must have special training in treating postpartum depression.
http://saddaddy.com A site specifically for dads experiencing depression. Dads deserve help just as much as moms.
Pacific Post Partum Support Society http://www.postpartum.org This Society provides support to families experiencing depression after birth or adoption.
http://www.DrShosh.com These radio segments and books for recovery from postpartum depression and anxiety are very informative.
http://postpartumprogress.com A blog with news and information about postpartum mood and anxiety disorders.