Evaluate Your Need for Better Sleep

I have a sleep concern: You are worried about sleep habits, association or crutches You are concerned about creating long-term sleep issues You are fine with the current situation but don’t want to continue on this way long-term ACTION: Be reassured that your baby’s sleep habits are nothing to worry about right now. If you are managing well it’s always better to wait until your baby is older. Try some coping strategies (link) or to wait it out   I have a sleep problem: You are unhappy with the current sleep situation You feel need to see improvements within the upcoming weeks or months You would like to know when you can expect changes. When you can see the light at the end of the tunnel You are ready to make changes and you would like to see results soon ACTION: Try some coping strategies in the short term (Link) Review and implement the sleep basics (link) Prepare a sleep coaching plan and decide when you will implement...

Re-establishing Your Routines after the 4 Month Sleep Regression

I know that you are anxious to get your baby to napping better and sleeping longer stretches at night. At this age, nit is completely normal for your baby to be waking during the night for feedings. So don’t get discouraged if you find your baby who used to be able to sleep a longer stretch, all of a sudden wake and need a feeding. He is growing rapidly, and just went through a developmental milestone, so he may really NEED to eat. Once you’ve come out of the 4-month sleep regression/PROgression, you may start to see your baby’s routines re-established, and your sleeping and feeding schedules are back on track with a baby who is able to enjoy his surroundings. Use the Light To help encourage regular day/night routines, expose your baby to lots of natural light during the day. Take him for walks, open the windows, or (if it’s warm enough), go have some tummy time on a blanket in the yard. Just 30 minutes in the morning and afternoon will help to re-adjust his...

After the 4-Month Developmental Milestone?

<Month 5 Overview So, you’ve survived your baby’s 4 month developmental milestone and emerged with a baby who is engaged with the world around him. Congratulations! You probably noticed this fussy period lasted longer than other developmental phases (at least so far). From this age on the skills your baby is mastering are more complicated and he‘ll take more time to adjust. Studies have shown that at 4-months there are dramatic changes in your baby’s brain waves and a significant increase in head circumference. After two to three weeks (possibly more) of “Mr. Grumpy” you are probably questioning if you’ll ever get your smiley, happy, predictable bundle of joy back. The good news? You’re about to! Hopefully you’re starting to see routines reestablished, and your sleeping and feeding schedules are back on track with a baby who is able to enjoy his surroundings. Your baby has probably discovered all sorts of new tricks, such as grabbing objects...