Tummy Time

Smiling Baby Tummy Time In A White NurseryTummy time is an incredibly important part of your infant’s development. Tummy time not only prepares your baby for rolling over and crawling, but it also (perhaps more importantly) will help to strengthen your baby’s neck and back muscles. Having good neck control will allow your baby to move her head, which will reduce the risk of SIDS. Additionally, these muscles are key for other large motor activities, such as sitting up, and eventually walking. For more information, please review the following tummy time videos from Pathways:

Five Essential Tummy Time Moves

Original source: Pathways.org

Five Essential Tummy Time Moves

Original source: Pathways.org

Pathways.org is an incredible non-profit that utilizes evidence-based practice and multimedia as tools to promote each child’s fullest inclusion. They strive to empower parents with knowledge of the benefit of early detection and early intervention for children’s sensory, motor, and communication development. Pathways has also provided two excellent tummy time cheat sheets so that you can print off a quick reference guide of exercises for your infant. You can download them here:

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