Sleep Coaching Overview  

Before using a sleep intervention, try to wait until your baby is least 2-3 weeks past the onset of any indication that he has entered the four month developmental stage. Of course it is also fine to wait longer. Most of the research supports sleep coaching babies after 6 months of age. If waiting is not an option, starting off with the sleep basics for a week or more can help you get improvements in the short term and try to take baby steps until your child is at least 18 weeks of age. This will help the sleep coaching to be a gentler process for both baby and you. Step 1:  Before you begin sleep coaching: Check with your Health Care Professional to determine: If sleep coaching is appropriate If there are any underlying medical concerns How many night feedings she feels your baby needs (remember your opinion counts too) Determine if your baby is developmentally ready for sleep coaching at this time. Even if everyone tells you that this is a good time to teach...

How to know When Your Baby is Ready for Sleep Coaching

Check with your Health Care Professional to determine: If sleep coaching is appropriate If there are any underlying medical concerns How many night feedings she feels your baby needs (remember your opinion counts too) Determine if your baby is developmentally ready for sleep coaching at this time ()link?). Even if everyone tells you that this is a good time to teach your baby to sleep better, it is important to determine if your child is developmentally ready. Babies who are sleep coached too early will take much longer to learn the skills and they are more likely to cry longer and harder without showing signs of self-soothing. It is always better for baby and a gentler process if you wait until he is developmentally capable of learning self-soothing skills. Consider your baby’s temperament. Understanding your child’s temperament will help you choose a sleep coaching technique that is better suited to your child and may give you an idea of how to implement...

Getting Started with Sleep Coaching

What is the best time for sleep coaching? Before using a sleep intervention, try to wait until your baby is least 2-3 weeks past the onset of any indication that he has entered into this developmental stage. Of course it is also fine to wait longer. If waiting is not an option, starting off with the sleep basics for a week or more can help you get improvements in the short term and try to take baby steps until your child is at least 18 weeks of age. This will help the sleep coaching to be a gentler process for both baby and you.   Click here for Sleep Coaching Techniques for 5 Month Olds (link to sleep coaching method...

Evaluate Your Need for Better Sleep

I have a sleep concern: You are worried about sleep habits, association or crutches You are concerned about creating long-term sleep issues You are fine with the current situation but don’t want to continue on this way long-term ACTION: Be reassured that your baby’s sleep habits are nothing to worry about right now. If you are managing well it’s always better to wait until your baby is older. Try some coping strategies or to wait it out   I have a sleep problem: You are unhappy with the current sleep situation You feel need to see improvements within the upcoming weeks or months You would like to know when you can expect changes. When you can see the light at the end of the tunnel You are ready to make changes and you would like to see results soon ACTION: Try some coping strategies in the short term Review and implement the Better Sleep Basics Prepare a sleep coaching plan and decide when you will implement it Improve the...