Developing a relaxing bedtime routine will help your baby recognize when it’s time to calm down in preparation for sleep and help set the stage for day coming to an end.  Pick a few simple steps (2-3), and use them each night before bed. All babies will likely have a feeding before bed so just pick an additional 1-2 steps. The key to an effective bedtime routine is to do the same routine with 2-3 activities in the same order every night prior to bedtime; and you can add additional steps, or adjust the routine as your baby grows. For example: a bath may be relaxing in the early months, but provide too much stimulation as he gets older. Some ideas for your bedtime routine: Washing his face and hands, wiping his gums or brushing teeth (important to start this habit early so he gets used to it) diaper change and getting into his pajamas. Massage Link to baby massage on crying page Bath (only if it doesn’t excite your baby and he enjoys them!) Reading...